Volunteers - Cambodia Application Form
Volunteers for Angkor School for poor children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
This is a free education program for the poor children.
As there is many local children, that are unable to afford the government school fees with the opportunity of a free education. The school has 2 classrooms and 300 students who attend the school for a few hours each throughout the day. Due to the local tourist industry, 90% of the jobs available in Siem Reap require English to be spoken. The children are very enthusiastic about learning and very much appreciate hearing good English being taught and spoken by the volunteers.
The project focuses on the young and poor children to assist them in finding a way out of the trap of poverty. Volunteers - Assist the local teaching staff and teach English, sports, arts and fun activities.
Daily schedule
You can join the project for a minimum of two weeks up to six months (extensions are sometimes possible). Volunteers take part in various activities from teaching, assisting local staff, sports, games, arts and vocational training.
You will be required to be available for 6 hours per day with 2 days free time per week on Saturday and Sunday.
*A Typical Day may be:
10am to 1pm playing games, drawing pictures, ball games, English lesson.
4pm to 7pm teaching and assisting the local teaching staff at the school.
10am to 5pm assisting at the orphanage, organizing games, teaching English, vocational training.
8am to 12pm assisting in the construction of water filters.
2pm to 5pm teaching in an orphanage.
*These are only examples of what your days activities may be, the projects are continually evolving and their requirements of volunteers may change before your arrival. Rest assured we are very flexible with volunteer’s personal needs and expect the same flexibility in return. Your free time
can be spent relaxing, exploring the temples and the sites of Siem Reap or socializing with the other volunteers. Please fill in the form below and we will get back to you.
Family Guesthouse, No19, Mondul 2, Khoum Svay Dangkom, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia
Phone: +855 926 484 62, info@familysiemreap.com, www.familysiemreap.com
Phone: +855 926 484 62, info@familysiemreap.com, www.familysiemreap.com