
Just as there are a wide variety of restaurants in Siem Reap thanks to the number of tourists passing through the town, there is also a large selection of bars and clubs. These range from quieter restaurants/bars to livelier clubs.

The best part of town when it comes to socializing is Psar Chaa (Old Market). Many of the town’s bar/restaurants and nightclubs are on this square. And if they’re not on the square they are within close proximity.

If you want to sample a slice of local culture, try and see some traditional ‘Aspara’ performances. This is a customary type of dance and is very graceful. Performances are staged in various locations around the town.

Press here to get in touch with us Local Cambodian time: 05:14
Family Guesthouse, No19, Mondul 2, Khoum Svay Dangkom, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia
Phone: +855 926 484 62, info@familysiemreap.com, www.familysiemreap.com