Just as there are a wide variety of restaurants in Siem Reap thanks to the number of tourists passing through the town, there is also a large selection of bars and clubs. These range from quieter restaurants/bars to livelier clubs.The best part of town when it comes to socializing is Psar Chaa (Old Market). Many of the town’s bar/restaurants and nightclubs are on this square. And if they’re not on the square they are within close proximity.
If you want to sample a slice of local culture, try and see some traditional ‘Aspara’ performances. This is a customary type of dance and is very graceful. Performances are staged in various locations around the town.
Family Guesthouse, No19, Mondul 2, Khoum Svay Dangkom, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia
Phone: +855 926 484 62, info@familysiemreap.com, www.familysiemreap.com
Phone: +855 926 484 62, info@familysiemreap.com, www.familysiemreap.com